The FlexMotion Animator component allows blending to and from a running Mecanim Animator.
This can be achieved by using the SetMecanimWeight method. That value can also be set or accessed via the MecanimWeight property.
Here is a simple way to switch between the Mecanim and FlexMotion animators:
using SV.FlexMotion;
using UnityEngine;
public class MecanimControl : MonoBehaviour
private FlexMotionAnimator animator;
private void Start()
// Show the animation played
// by mecanim on start for demonstration
public void ShowMecanim()
public void HideMecanim()
But since it is a weight, you can smoothly transition between the two.
Here is one way to do so with coroutines:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using SV.FlexMotion;
using UnityEngine;
public class MecanimBlending : MonoBehaviour
private FlexMotionAnimator animator;
private AnimationClip clip;
private float blendTime = 4f;
private void Start()
// Animate to Mecanim and when it is done animate back to FlexMotion
ToMecanim(() => ToFlexMotion(null));
public void ToMecanim(Action onDone)
public void ToFlexMotion(Action onDone)
public IEnumerator AnimateFlexMotion(Action onDone)
var value = animator.MecanimWeight;
while (value > 0f)
value -= Time.deltaTime / blendTime;
animator.MecanimWeight = value;
yield return null;
// Not strictly necessary as weight under 0f and above 1f will be processed as 0f and 1f.
// But the stored value will not be clamped which can slightly alter animation time.
animator.MecanimWeight = 0f;
public IEnumerator AnimateMecanim(Action onDone)
var value = animator.MecanimWeight;
while (value < 1f)
value += Time.deltaTime / blendTime;
animator.MecanimWeight = value;
yield return null;
animator.MecanimWeight = 1f;
And here is the result with an Mecanim Animator Controller playing one running state and FlexMotion playing an idle state:
Obviously, the Mecanim animator needs to be set with a valid controller. Please refer to the related section of the Unity manual if needed.