The FlexMotionAnimator component has its own set of settings that affect every animation clip that will be played. Unlike the FlexMotionLayer settings, the animator settings are persistent. Here is a quick explanation of every setting:
- Mask Layer Configs is the equivalent of Mecanim layers and allows you to play animations on a subset of bones/transforms. Leaving it empty will simply animate the entire avatar. For more information, check the Use mask layers section of the documentation.
- Default Transition controls the default duration and the easing function to apply when transitioning from the current animation to a newly played one on a given mask layer. For more information about Transitions, check the control transitions section.
- Speed is the time multiplier applied to the overall animator.
- Update Rate controls how frequently the animator is updated.
- Update Mode sets the type of delta time to use when evaluating the animator and its playable graph. Manual mode allows to call the Evaluate method manually.
⏱️ Performance consideration
Manual and Animate Physics update modes force the underlying playable graph to be evaluated synchronously and will not be threaded anymore. Expect a noticeable performance impact if these modes are used on many animated objects.
There are 3 "On Play" settings that modify the setting of a FlexMotionLayer selected to play an animation. They can be seen as default settings that are frequently needed on every layer.
- Apply Playable Ik On Play enables OnAnimatorIk messages on scripts attached to the same GameObject as the animator. For convenience, FlexMotion adds an dedicated event called OnAnimatorIK.
- Apply Foot Ik On Play enables Foot IK which stabilize feet by placing them close to the root y position.
- Apply Mirror On Play enables mirroring on every layer. If a FLexMotion container is also set as mirrored, the mirroring will be flipped.
📝 Note
Runtime mirroring currently only works for Humanoid rigs.
It is also possible to modify most of these settings by script like so:
using SV.FlexMotion;
using SV.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
public class ModifyAnimatorSettings : MonoBehaviour
private FlexMotionAnimator animator;
private void Start()
animator.defaultTransition = new FlexMotionTransition(0.5f, Easing.Functions.BackEaseIn);
animator.applyPlayableIkOnPlay = true;
animator.applyFootIkOnPlay = true;
animator.applyMirrorOnPlay = true;
// Just a shortcut to the Mecanim Animator's Root motion setting