FlexMotionLayer.OnNormalizedTime<T>(T, float, bool, bool, Action<T, FlexMotionLayer>)



public FlexMotionLayer OnNormalizedTime<T>(T caller, float normalizedTime, bool isRepeat, bool useLoopRepeat, Action<T, FlexMotionLayer> callback) 
    where T : class

Type Parameters

Name Description


Name Type Description
caller T The caller of this method which will be part of the callback alongside the layer.
normalizedTime float The normalized time to reach for the callback to be invoked.
isRepeat bool Should the callback be repeated or only invoked once?
useLoopRepeat bool Is the repeat based on the added time or on animation loops.
callback Action<T, FlexMotionLayer> The method to be called when the time condition will be reached.

Return Value

Type Description
FlexMotionLayer The same instance of FlexMotionLayer, allowing chained method calls.