


[RequireComponent(typeof(Animator)), AddComponentMenu("FlexMotion/FlexMotionAnimator")]
public class FlexMotionAnimator : MonoBehaviour


Name Field Type Summary
applyFootIkOnPlay bool
Turns on or off the foot Ik setting on a layer when playing an animation.
applyMirrorOnPlay bool
Should the entire animator be mirrored? Only works for Humanoid rig.
applyPlayableIkOnPlay bool
Turns on or off the playable Ik setting on a layer when playing an animation. It enables the OnAnimatorIk messages in MonoBehavior scripts.
applyRootMotion bool
Should the root motion be applied automatically?
defaultTransition FlexMotionTransition
The transition that will be used by default.
preventLayerReuseOnPlay bool
Should inactive animation layers with a different animation asset not be reused?
useMecanimRootMotion bool
Should the velocity values from Mecanim be used when applying the root motion?


Name Property Type Summary
AngularVelocity Vector3
Get the root motion angular velocity of the animated object. It is the accumulation of every motion layer's angular velocity. Should be typically accessed from an OnAnimatorMove callback.
IsHuman bool
Returns true if the mecanim animator is using an humanoid rig, false if it is generic.
MecanimAnimator Animator
The underlying Mecanim animation component.
MecanimWeight float
The blending weight between the FlexMotion animator and any currently running Mecanim animator. The value ranges from 0 for only displaying the FlexMotion animations to 1 to do the same for the Mecanim animator. A value outside that range is stored but still processed as 0 or 1.
MotionLayers FlexMotionLayer[]
The array of FlexMotionLayer layers managed by that FlexMotionAnimator.
Speed float
A time multiplier to be applied on the entire animator.
UpdateMode FlexMotionUpdateMode
Set the type of DeltaTime to use when updating the animator.
UpdateRate float
Set how frequently the animator should be updated. 0 or less updates the animator every frame.
Velocity Vector3
Get the root motion velocity of the animated object. It is the accumulation of every motion layer's velocity. Should be typically accessed from an OnAnimatorMove callback.


Name Return Value Summary
DeleteAnimationJob(AnimationScriptPlayable) void
Delete the AnimationScriptPlayable from a previously inserted animation job.
Evaluate(float) void
Updates a set of FlexMotionLayers based on their state, weighting, and time scale, and evaluates the playable graph with the given deltaTime.
Initialize(PlayableGraph?) void
Initialize the PlayableGraph. There is typically no need to call this manually.
InsertAnimationJob<T>(T) AnimationScriptPlayable
Insert an Animation Job that will affect every mask and animation layer. This will create an AnimationScriptPlayable and insert it into the PlayableGraph.
Play(AnimationClip, int) FlexMotionLayer
Plays the specified AnimationClip and returns the FlexMotionLayer that will be playing the contained animation clips.
Play(FlexMotion, int) FlexMotionLayer
Plays the specified FlexMotion asset and returns the FlexMotionLayer that will be playing the contained animation clips.
PlayOrResume(AnimationClip, int) FlexMotionLayer
Plays the specified AnimationClip asset if there is no layer currently running with the same clip. This is very useful if you need to continuously ensure that an animation is playing from an update method. Returns the FlexMotionLayer playing the animation clip.
PlayOrResume(FlexMotion, int) FlexMotionLayer
Plays the specified FlexMotion asset if there is no layer currently running with the same animation clips. This is very useful if you need to continuously ensure that an animation is playing from an update method. Returns the FlexMotionLayer playing that FlexMotion asset.
PreloadAnimationAsset(AnimationClip) void
Preload an animation asset without playing it. This method will always create a new motion layer if no existing layer is using the same asset.
PreloadAnimationAsset(FlexMotion) void
Preload an animation asset without playing it. This method will always create a new motion layer if no existing layer is using the same asset.
SetApplyFootIkOnPlay(bool) void
Turns on or off the foot Ik setting on a layer when playing an animation.
SetApplyMirrorOnPlay(bool) void
Should the entire animator be mirrored? Only works for Humanoid rig.
SetApplyPlayableIkOnplay(bool) void
Turns on or off the playable Ik setting on a layer when playing an animation. It enables the OnAnimatorIk messages in MonoBehavior scripts.
SetApplyRootMotion(bool) void
Should the root motion be applied automatically?
SetDefaultTransition(FlexMotionTransition) void
Change the animator default transition with the provided transition.
SetMaskLayerWeight(int, float) void
SetMecanimWeight(float) void
Sets the blending weight between the FlexMotion animator and any currently running Mecanim animator. The value ranges from 0 for only displaying the FlexMotion animations to 1 to do the same for the Mecanim animator. A value outside that range is stored but still processed as 0 or 1.
SetSpeed(float) void
A time multiplier to be applied on the entire animator.
SetUpdateMode(FlexMotionUpdateMode) void
Set the type of DeltaTime to use when updating the animator.
SetUpdateRate(float) void
Set how frequently the animator should be updated. 0 or less updates the animator every frame.
SetUseMecanimRootMotion(bool) void
Should the velocity values from Mecanim be used when applying the root motion?
StopAll() void
Stops every motion layers if it is active using the default transition.
StopAll(FlexMotionTransition, int) void
Stops every motion layers on a given mask layer index if it is active.
StopAll(FlexMotionTransition) void
Stops every motion layers if it is active using the given transition.
StopAll(int) void
Stops every motion layers on a given mask layer index if it is active using the default transition.
SwitchPauseAll() void
Switches the pause state of every Mask layers. If the layers are currently playing, this method will pause them. If they are paused, it will unpause them.
SwitchPauseAll(int) void
Switches the pause state of the specified Mask Layer. If the mask layer is currently unpaused, this method will pause them. If they are paused, it will unpause them.
TryGetLayer(object, FlexMotionLayer, int) bool
This method tries to retrieve a FlexMotionLayer playing the specified FlexMotion asset. In the case if two layers with the same asset is playing (I.E. Self-transition), the layer in In or Active state will be prioritized. If the layer is found, it will be assigned to the output parameter "motionLayer" and the method will return true. If the layer is not found, "motionLayer" will be set to null and the method will return false. The mask layer index parameter is optional and defaults to 0 if not specified.


Name Type Summary
AnimatorIk FlexMotionAnimator.FlexMotionAnimatorEventHandler
Event that is signalled when the OnAnimatorIK callback is called. The event allows a script to handle that case from a GameObject that doesn't have the animator attached to it.
Played FlexMotionAnimator.FlexMotionLayerEventHandler
Event that is signalled when a FlexMotion asset or Animation Clip is played. The arguments are the FlexMotionAnimator and the played FlexMotionLayer.